Non-a-clinic "Human Repair"
Traditional Osteopathy and Biodynamics
Is carried out using Traditional Osteopathy and Biodynamics.

To at least partially understand what we do and what we represent, you can (and should) read posts and articles on our Telegram channel (in operation since 2020), or even better in the group VKontakte (in operation since 2016). We are not very friendly and are not focused on customer orientation.

You can only make an appointment through "face control". We have the opportunity to work only with those we like. Therefore, the registration is not carried out through the Administrator, but directly by the specialist.

in our work
is given to
  • Long-term followers who have been with us for years
  • Children from the very first minute of life and their recently giving birth mothers
  • Pregnant women
  • Families

... and only then "newcomers"

In general

to at least partially understand our approach to work, you need to "live" with us for a while in our articles and posts on social networks Vkontakte, Facebook, Telegram, Instagram.

And then it will become clear that no one works like us.

We are not a
service industry

I'm not even sure we do what we love. And even more so, we do not do it for you or out of a sense of human kindness and a Messiah complex. You don't even have to like us.

But this is one of those cases where we don't really have a choice. That's why we do this simply because we can't not do it. We are not a customer-oriented service industry. We just have the ability to do things that help people.

By coming to us, you are not seeking a service. You are seeking help. Help from those who may be able to help you. From those who simply do their job well. Who simply adhere to professional principles. And it is exactly this that helps you.

Each specialist keeps their own appointments. There are no appointments through the Administrator. There are no prepayments (be careful, there are scammers pretending to be us and offering an appointment without a queue and with a prepayment).

Where are we based?

SAINT PETERSBURG Vasileostrovskaya metro station, 18th line of Vasilevsky Island.

MOSCOW Kitay-gorod metro station
Since 2020 the location has been suspended
It may resume sometime in the future

ITALY Rimini, Emilia-Romagna.

FRANCE Andernos-les-Bains, Nouvelle-Aquitaine (spring/autumn)

LUXEMBOURG Esch-sur-Alzette

Switzerland Luzern / Schattdorf

Saint Petersburg:
Valeriy and Eugeniya – 10,000 ₽
Dina – 7000 ₽
Lyubov – 5000 ₽
Italy (Rimini):
Valeriy and Eugeniya – 150 
France, Luxembourg, Switzerland:
Valeriy and Eugeniya – 200 

Valeriy Davydov
Valeriy Davydov
Not-a-doctor Osteopath, specialist in working with everything that exists and does not exist. Author of the idea, blog and articles.
Eugeniya Shorets
Eugeniya Shorets
One of the best specialists in the world (!) for working with children from their first minutes.
With adults too.
Dina Ivanova
Dina Ivanova
Conducts an active osteopathic practice in Saint Petersburg. An excellent specialist. Our hope and support.
Lyubov Kostenko
Lyubov Kostenko
Hostess of ours. She is one who creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Keeper of the Saint Petersburg hearth. Osteopath.

These are the softest possible ways to correct problems in the body.

This is an opportunity for fine-tuning and comprehensive adjustment of the body's health.

This is an opportunity to deal
with childbirth and embryonic trauma, the consequences of serious disruptions in the body, and the most diverse diseases arising from these disruptions.

What is Osteopathy and Biodynamics?

Osteopathy is not massage at all, not manual therapy and not "chiropractic". No there is no pain, there is no "heavy" impact, nothing crunches, it is not wrapped in a knot. Person he just lies comfortably on the couch when the Osteopath affects certain areas of his body with light movements.

Precisely because of the softness, but incredible practicality of the direction of Osteopathy, it is possible (and it is necessary!) to apply both with newborn children (from 1 minute of age), and with people in a deep older age, with whom, by the way, you need to work much more gently than with newborns.

Biodynamics, which is commonly called the "Biodynamic model in Osteopathy", in fact
it is a reinterpretation of Osteopathy, studying the phenomena and forming approaches to more
a deep level. The biodynamic model in Osteopathy, or Biodynamics, in its classical
form exists only in the concept of the School of Traditional Osteopathy and Biodynamics (Oregon,
USA), of which we are graduates.

You can come to a specialist in Traditional Osteopathy and Biodynamics for:

– Something that hurts.
– Something that is not right.
– Something has been bothering you for a long time.

Skeleton: neck, back, legs, arms, waist.
Head: pains, cluster pains, migraines, chronic, traumatic, obstetrical.
Internal organs: damage, inflammation, displacement, spasms, pains.
Disruptions in the functioning of any systems of the body.

Gynecology can be considered separately: displacement/prolapse of organs of the small pelvis, myomas, cysts, spasms, consequences of surgeries, endometriosis, infections, cystitis, and any other sexual dysfunctions.

Everything that relates to pregnancy, it’s course and development, and the infertility.

And of course, children.

Eugeniya Shorets is an extremely high level osteopath who has gained an incredible amount of experience working with children, seeing 20-25 people per day for many years. She works with children from the moment they are born (and with pregnant mothers before birth), and achieves incredible results with children who have small standard problems such as brain hypoxia, infant torticollis (twisted necks during birth), depressed heads, hip dysplasia, impaired body functions, ADHD, neurological and behavioral problems, and so on. She also works with severely disabled children - Cerebral Palsy, autism, other complex and genetic problems. And even if everything cannot be cured, it is always possible to significantly improve the child's life (and therefore the parents). Eugeniya is one of the best and most experienced specialists in delicate work with children in the world. And there are no children who do not need her assistance.

Moms, dads, children, athletes, dancers, managers, drivers, parents of parents, and so on. Some people need to treat injuries, while others just need to maintain their health.

You should and need to go to an osteopath even when you think nothing is bothering you. The osteopath will always find and fix the disruptions that have not yet manifested themselves in a visible form, beginning to worry and destroy the body. And this will always make you feel better.

Do not forget

About stress and the simple and understandable desire to improve the quality of life. After all, incorrect functioning of the body suppresses the love of life and joy, taking away valuable resources that could have been spent on fun and happiness.

You can go to an osteopath even when you think nothing is bothering you. An osteopath will always find a way to make you even better.


In reality, everything mentioned above is simply a superficial interpretation for the easiest understanding of what we do and why. It is impossible to fully explain here the essence of all our work, methods, principles, and Traditional Osteopathy and Biodynamics on one page, as we have spent 10 years learning this, conducted several tens of thousands of sessions, spent thousands of hours discussing and exchanging experiences, worked with the best international instructors, following them to several countries around the world.

To make it easier for you to understand "why all of this", we created a "Testimonials" section where we have collected several examples of "Feedback" from our patients, although it is quite difficult to do so, as self-admiration is not on our list of favorite sins.

Therefore, all we can say is that there is no person who does not need to regularly visit their Favorite Osteopath.

And also, "osteopathically cured" children are significantly different from "uncured" children.